step 1: Connect as sysdba and create the database user to be used for apps read only schema.
step 2: Connect as APPS user and run the SQL commands:
step 3:
- connect as sysdba :
step 4:
- connect as appsro
You are done. Now your users can use “appsro” schema to have the read only access to Apps Data.
bash $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" SQL > create user appsro identified by appsro default tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA; SQL> grant connect, resource to appsro; SQL> grant create synonym to appsro; SQL> exit;
step 2: Connect as APPS user and run the SQL commands:
bash $ sqlplus apps/****** SQL>set head off SQL> set newpage none SQL> set pagesize 9999 SQL> spool create_synonyms.sql SQL> select 'create synonym ' || OBJECT_NAME || ' for ' || OWNER ||'.' ||OBJECT_NAME || ';' from all_objects where OWNER not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and OBJECT_NAME not like '%/%' and OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE','VIEW','SYNONYM'); SQL> spool off SQL> spool grant_select.sql SQL> select 'grant select on '|| OWNER ||'.' ||OBJECT_NAME || ' to appsro;' from all_objects where OWNER not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and OBJECT_NAME not like '%/%' and OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE','VIEW','SYNONYM'); SQL> spool off SQL> exit;
step 3:
- connect as sysdba :
bash $ sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL> @grant_select.sql SQL> exit;
step 4:
- connect as appsro
bash $ sqlplus appsro/appsro SQL> @create_synonyms.sql SQL> exit;
You are done. Now your users can use “appsro” schema to have the read only access to Apps Data.
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